Thursday, December 12, 2013

Daddy was Accepted to Officer's Candidate School and barely missed graduating Summa Cum Laude

As the story goes, Daddy was 19 in 1941, the year he left home to serve in WWII.   Granny and Pop's house was on a very steep hill - that's Little Rock for you.  So picture Granny, Pop, Ronald and Roger (possibly Uncle Bill had not yet left for the Navy) all saying their goodbyes as Daddy makes his way up the hill with his suitcase. This scene gets me every time.  As Roger told it, Pop turned and said, "I'm going to miss that boy."  Roger replied, "I guess so.  He's been making the house payment."
Daddy grew up during the Depression, each morning while he was in the first grade he would wake up and think of the boy in his class who always brought his lunch.  That boy never ate his apple but would offer it to someone.  Daddy used to think, "I hope he offers me that apple today."  
My Dad has worked since he was 13.  He used to catch a bus to downtown Little Rock where he would transfer to North Little Rock and the grocery store where he had his first job.  At Central High School he told me he would hide behind the gym doors till everyone left school in the afternoon so they wouldn't realize he was the one who swept up.  
And after WWII he gave his twin brothers their extra spending money at Abilene Christian while he attended on the GI loan.  I say all this because very few people today think they should have to work that hard, but it is true what they say, Tough times don't last.  Touch people do.  
That's why my dad and the other dads from the WWII generation are the greatest generation.  They knew what it was to work hard… it kept them grounded and appreciative.  It gave them pride and the respect of others.  It is what's so lacking in the world today.
Today the Hospice nurse told my mom she thought it was a matter of days, maybe weeks.  It's killing me to lose this great man.  We need all the great men we can find these days, men who are not afraid to work, not ashamed to grow up poor.  My Dad's character is incredibly strong and I could not be prouder of him.  Some of my sweetest memories are of him taking a second job, one year the Post Office and the next year the toy department at J.C. Penney.  He did it so we could have Christmas gifts.  I am convinced greatness comes from adversity and from looking to God to supply your needs.  I have never known my Daddy to put himself first.  He could never get the wolf far enough away from our door and he said the word no plenty over the years - but nothing he ever did was for himself… it was always for us.
Don't ever be afraid to let your children take a job, even a paper route like my brother had, because working hard produces character, hard work teaches a man how to be the head of his family.  His children will rise up and call him blessed.  And he will always have the respect of those who know him.  Uncle Roger always said, "Life gets very simple when you are poor."
Daddy said when his ship sailed out from San Francisco headed for the Pacific he looked up at the Golden Gate bridge and thought, "I wonder if I will ever see that bridge again."  Nineteen years old but possessed of courage and the belief that God would never leave him.

Thank you, Daddy, for teaching me to work hard, to define my goals and to never give up.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"You are one brave kid." You are Worth It, Daddy!

In a world where too many children have no Daddy, I am blessed far more than I deserve. I don't just have a father, I've had him for 90 years, 6 months, 23 days and counting.  He has always been Mother's, Jeff's, Gregg's, David's and my rock. His shoulders are huge and he has never shrunk from his duty.  He is selfless and he wrote the book on hard work.
He is now in the home stretch.  God has granted me the desire of my heart ---I get to help him cross over.
I have always been a Daddy's girl.  Making him proud was my goal, driving him crazy was only my part-time job.  I succeeded  at both.  He was always there and up for whatever I  threw in his path. I like to think I'm a chip off the old block.  No one will ever fill his shoes. Was he easy to live with? No.  Did he give it all away? Yes.
He comes from the Mt Rushmore of Knight Boys... so driven, so bright, handsome and devoted to their Momma, Granny.  Yes, they loved Pop, but Pop was never warm and fuzzy.  Daddy said,"Pop could take you or leave you. It made no difference to him."  Uncle Ronald used to say, "Ask Pop if he ever laid a hand on us."  Actually he didn't---his *rod of choice was a bullwhip.  One time not long after my divorce, Pop looked at me and said,"For $50 bucks I could have him killed."
Last night the sweet Hospice nurse suggested we set up a room for Daddy with a place for the workers to sit.  So that was my project for today.  Hospice said they could bring in a hospital bed but Daddy needed a bigger bed but I did think of a way to get his head elevated--- bed risers from Bed Bath and Beyond.  This used to be a trundle bed in the sunroom.
Now Daddy has a kingsize bed, a nice view and the ability to watch Mother come and go.  For years now each night I have been back home Daddy has said the same thing to me, "Goodnight", then turned to tell me, "You leave our furniture where it is!"  Mike Calvert calls me the Furniture Fairy, many of you have been on the receiving end of new furniture placement. I like to think it is my Spiritual Gift!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Not Just's a Prayers were Answered for My Beloved THANKSGIVING!

I always try to be thankful,  I even sing COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS...NAME THEM ONE BY ONE softly in my head along with all those precious Christians I have had the privilege of singing it with over the years.  But this Thanksgiving a loving God permitted us time alone in the desert to contemplate just how good he has been to us - and to really count those blessings-- one by one.
 I am a very lucky girl.  Almost 30 years ago now a very handsome, successful and extremely athletic man came into my life.  I call him my Beloved because that is what my Great Aunt Lois always called her husband Jack Christopher...and everything she did was perfect.

 Two weeks ago today Mike finally went to the doctor after relentless pain in his shoulder.  He is not one to go to the doctor, rather he always sucks it up and tries to shake it off.  But he couldn't sleep so he gave in.  Within thirty minutes he was in the emergency room at St. Luke's complaining about how much all of this was no doubt costing.

 But after a good bit of testing it was discovered he had a Myxoma, a benign tumor attached to the heart.  They are always asymtomatic and according to our friend Dr. David Smith, doctors are thrilled when they find them.  Later we read 70% of them are discovered in autopsies.
We sailed through Open Heart surgery on Monday 18 November.  When I arrived at the hospital on Tuesday he was defying the odd's up walking around and eating a sandwich.   Well, he is amazing so why should we have been surprised.  However, on Wednesday right after a brief visit from friends while sitting in a chair he slumped over and passed out.  It was the first of 6 episodes that day.  We had hit a roadblock and by 7 that night he was going back into surgery to place a line for a temporary pacemaker.  When he came out to recovery the first thing he told me was, "I flatlined."  It happened as he was being wheeled into the OR and the last thing he remembered was hearing them say, "Hurry up, he's flatlining."  He later told us he thought he had seen all of us for the last time this side of Heaven.
He spent the next 7 days in ICU.  Basically, we were waiting for his heart to re-establish a normal rhythm.  Unlike  Bypass surgery, his was on the atrium of the heart which required cutting through the Sinus and Electrodes.  We patiently waited but a normal rhythm simply eluded us.  Tuesday the 26th he experienced a flat-line for the seventh time.  His team of doctors told us a permanent pacemaker was our only option as he was suffering from Sick Sinus Syndrome.  Doctors placed the pacemaker that  evening.  Wednesday about 1 he was FINALLY released.
We are sooooo happy to have him home.  We are sooooo thankful today, Thanksgiving 2013, for answered prayer, for the joy of family.
So Climb every mountain, 
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream.

Your life is like the morning fog--it's here a little while, then it's gone.  

You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14


Being thankful got us through these past two weeks.  And remaining thankful will get us through whatever awaits us...because we have a home in Heaven, our sins have been forgiven and there remains nothing but JOY ahead.

From our house to yours...a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 14, 2013

12 October 2013 The Inn at Dos Brisas...Laura & Robert

It was a Pinterest wedding with no detail left untouched.  The bride's sister is a very creative and talented lady and her special talent for all things artistic was on full display.
And in many respects it was a trip back in time to memories we all share.

Laura selected that her programs be fully functional as fans.
The food was delicious as one would expect to find at a Relais & Chateau Inn.
But it is tucked away in the horse and hill country that is Washington, TX.
I can't imagine there being a better time of year to be here.

The beautiful bride.
Her dad, a dear friend and fellow Toyota dealer.
Her mom surrounded by her longtime friends.
This bride decided to serve pie and pie-pops alongside her wedding cakes!

She even pulled off a RAINBOW.
It was a special day, a gorgeous venue and a celebration to be long savored and remembered.
I personally enjoyed taking a picture from the bride's mother's wedding and transforming it into a Gallery Wrap/Gift for her to present to her mom at the luncheon.  

Thank you, Laura and Robert, for making PRESSING EVENTS part of your day!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Grace Elizabeth Atwood... a Camp Nancy LEGACY!

Today we showered Grace Elizabeth's Mommie, Courtney *Love.  Almost 30 years ago now two very special people came into my life, Mike Calvert and Courtney Ruth North, now Atwood.

Talk about game-changers, Courtney's mom was my first girl cousin.  I was 8 and I had more brother's and boy cousins than I knew what to do with.  Somewhere along the way though Courtney's mom ,Lee, became the sister I always wanted.  Our Daddys were brother's from a family of 5 boys in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Over the years the love my Grandmother Knight embraced for her boys and later her grandchildren became a reservoir of fond memories and fierce closeness.  We are all very proud of our roots and it has led to relationships with cousins much more closely resembling siblings.

As Courtney and her two sisters were born, Mike and I were trying very hard to have even more kiddos than the four we got when we blended our families.  This proved not to be, but once again I found my joy in the family that always defined me while growing up.

My sister-in-love, Lee, generously shared her daughters with Mike and I and that gave birth to...Camp Nancy!  Each summer for over ten years Lee's 3 and their cousin Jennifer would accompany us on road trips, weeks at our home in Colorado, Houston or Lake LBJ.  We even did a trip to London when Courtney was a Senior.

To say they brought us joy is to only touch the tip of the iceberg.  I have witnessed family through four separate generations now, and with the birth of Kate Wilkinson and then Waverley Anne Stroupe last December, the future has arrived in the form of this fifth generation.

I know how much my grandmother loved her 4 precious granddaughters...oh, and her grandsons to be certain!  But had she known she would get 9 great granddaughters and 5 great, great granddaughters so far - well her cup would have overflowed in the only way she ever prayed it would... WITH FAMILY!

And you couldn't be a descendant of Nora Ethel Thompson Knight, 18 August 1892 - 4 November 1974 without knowing that.

Whether you gave birth to, grew up in or work to maintain a strong family, I hope you thank God and know that of which I speak.  I hope Kate,Wavy, Addy, Lanie, Grace and all the future KNIGHTS will know the love of being from a family built on God... and Granny!  I love you Granny, I love you Lee and Courtney and we can't wait to love YOU - Grace Elizabeth Atwood!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pressing Events welcomes the pitter patter of little feet...Bayleigh Noel Fowler!

It gives me great pleasure to announce the birth of Amber and Brantly's firstborn, oh my!  Many of you have worked with Amber on a wedding, an anniversary, holiday cards or parties, well, now in addition to being a wife and Graphic Artist she is also a Mommie to a 7lb 7oz bundle of goodness born 3 Sept. 

As her Daddy was heard to say, "Let the Pink & Leopard begin!"  We are pretty sure it has already begun and shows no sign of ending.  But since he is thankful and thrilled I feel sure that won't be a problem for him.

All of us at PRESSING EVENTS are looking forward to her first visit to the store where we will hold her, rock her and cooooo longingly into her tiny little eyes.  And then we will photograph her against various pieces of MACKENZIE-CHILDS furniture and tabletop goodies.

We hope you've enjoyed these various shots of her nursery where she will be firmly ensconced shortly. May her world be always Pink and may she grow ever fonder of her MACKENZIE-CHILDS pulls, dish ware and her JAN SEVADJIAN baby book.  We thank God for your good health and your good looks!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dateline: Dublin, Ireland

This is my first trip and Mike's second.  He was invited to play golf here in May.  I simply keep thinking about the childhood movie, Darby O'Gill and the Little People, which till now was my only impression of this far off land.  Highlights so far...
While in Dublin we are checked into the Brooks Hotel centrally located, walking distance to restaurants, stores and sightseeing.
We did a tour of County Wicklow to see the mountains south of Dublin.  This cemetery was beautiful and offered a wonderful walk.

Our guide for the day was Dennis.  I told him he selected the perfect outfit as his orange wind breaker looked perfect in contrast to the landscape.  He smoked a pipe and entertained us with his brogue. One example of which was, "Now I'm going to tell you something without really telling you anything!"  See what I mean?
We are quite lucky as the heather is in bloom.
So the rest of these are merely in and around our hotel.  Ireland is charming but does not appear as well heeled as in and around London.  It seems more working class.

The people seem somewhat cheeky.  Mike and I were arguing amongst ourselves (Mike said not really arguing at all) when a lady passing stopped and said, "No need to fight.  Just ask a question!"